

Support of cross-project resource planning in the medium-sized IT companies with agile project management using an open-source tool support for optimized resource allocation

This thesis deals with the optimization of resource planning in  medium-sized IT companies with agile multi-project management using open source tool support.  The goal is to answer the research question: How can tool support help ...

Exporting Master Program in Enterprise Systems Engineering to Joran, Syria, Tunisia and Egypt

Today, there is a major lack of knowledge and experiences in the field of ESE and Business Informatics in the EU southern neighboring region. The MSC.ESE project aims at creating a master’s curriculum in ESE at JO/SY/TN/EG universities to ...
Experience Report SAP TechEd && d-code 2014

Experience Report SAP TechEd && d-code 2014

From 11th to 13th of November in 2014, the SAP TechEd and d-code once again drew a variety of visitors to the Berlin exhibition halls. Among the visitors were two students of the Faculty of Computer Science of the Otto von Guericke ...
Workshops - Industrie 4.0 - Integration und Anwendungen

Workshops - Industrie 4.0 - Integration und Anwendungen

Im Rahmen des Projektes "Mittelstand-Digital-Zentrum Magdeburg" finden ab September 2024 wieder Workshops im Rahmen unserer Blended-Learning Staffel "Industrie 4.0 - Integration und Anwendungen" statt. Die Teilnehmer können ...

Demystifying Open-Source Licenses

Today a multitude of open-source licenses exists, each of them with their own specifications and regulations. Consequently, the selection of an appropriate license model for the selection or even development of software components can be ...

Development of functional requirements for the software configuration management as support of the life cycle of standard business software – illustrated with the suitability of the SAP Solution Manager.

Software configuration management is a software engineering discipline with a crucial importance to the whole project and the operation as well. This discipline is being implemented by a so-called software configuration management system, which ...
Site selection of data centers in terms of sustainability

Site selection of data centers in terms of sustainability

Due to a constantly growing data volume which is stored in the internet/in the cloud, new data centers are needed. According to a Greenpeace-report, in the year 2007 the Cloud had a higher power requirement than the entire Federal Republic of ...
Application Usage Mining

Application Usage Mining

Activities in terms of the application of a modern ERP-system such as ECC are diverse and complicated. Users leave behind traces which reflect their interactions or their activities.The depiction of actually executed business processes or workflows ...
Strategic System Landscape Engineering for SME and OSS

Strategic System Landscape Engineering for SME and OSS

Currently, efficient, flexible and cheap information systems are an economic necessity. This fact not only applies to information systems of large enterprises, but to an increasing degree also to those of small and medium-sized enterprises.Small ...
Virtual Reality and Human Factors methods to improve safety in production plants and storage sites

Virtual Reality and Human Factors methods to improve safety in production plants and storage sites

VIRTHUALIS is the largest European Research Project on Industrial Safety.Promoted by the European Commission within the 6th Framework Programme, and coordinated by Polytechnic of Milan. VIRTHUALIS joins 42 partners among universities, ...


Trifonova, I.; Jamous, N.; Schrödl, H.
Towards a Systematic Evaluation of Web Design