

Success Story des Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg – Forschungsengagement verlängert

Success Story des Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg – Forschungsengagement verlängert

Das Fujitsu Lab Magdeburg beforscht den klassischen SAP Systembetrieb und konzipiert dabei innovative Lösungen, die auch vor dem Hintergrund einer Industrie 4.0 Bestand haben. Eine Success Story fasst aktuelle Ergebnisse zusammen und ...
Flexible Creation of Teaching and Learning Environments

Flexible Creation of Teaching and Learning Environments

The growing demand for teaching and learning environments (TLEs) entails increasing challenges for curriculum designers. The combination of learning content, didactic requirements and practical examples creates a highly complex construct ...

Creation of a Framework and a Corresponding Tool Enabling the Test-Driven Development of Locally Developed Microservices in Docker

Microservice architectures have emerged as a counter design to traditional monolithic applications. While monoliths are deployed as single executable applications whose modules share the resources of the underlying system, ...
VLBA Lab at BIS 2014

VLBA Lab at BIS 2014

The VLBA Lab was represented at this year's 17th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS) in Lanarca, Cyprus, from May 22nd to 23rd, by the researcher Bastian Kurbjuhn. He presented the contribution by Christian Schulz and ...

Evaluation of Outlies Analysis Methods for Data Quality Mining

Developing an integration process for monitoring tools at incident management level

Developing an integration process for monitoring tools at incident management level

Nowadays, one of the problems that companies must face is to have multiple monitoring tools which depend on IT Service Management (ITSM) frameworks like IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL). This leads in turn to different reports of the same issues. ...
Management and controlling of data science projects

Management and controlling of data science projects

Data science aims to extract knowledge from data using structured analysis, which promises, among other things, improved performance for businesses and other organizations (Martinez 2017). For example, e-commerce companies such as Amazon are ...

Assessing the Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing based on Complex Network Analysis

In recent years the online business environment is viewed by customers from a new perspective. Social media to a great extent affects the customer’s awareness, preference and even decision process. Dramatic developments in interactive social ...
Predicting Availability of an In-Memory Computing Cluster

Predicting Availability of an In-Memory Computing Cluster

Together with the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam as well as with industry partners such as SAP, HP and Fujitsu, in 2014 a project was conducted by the VLBA Lab in Magdeburg in which the availability of an in-memory computing cluster was ...
Prediction of non-functional properties of IT-services

Prediction of non-functional properties of IT-services

The service-orientation of the IT-branch is of increasing importance, not least because of the concept of cloud computing. It supports the commoditization of IT and increases the transparency for the clients. For the providers of such services, ...


Khan, A.; Pohl, M.; Saake, G.; Turowski, K.
An Evaluation of Variability Mechanisms to Manage Cloud Services
Khan, A.; Pohl, M.; Bosse, S.; Hart, S. W.; Turowski, K.
A Holistic View of the IoTProcess from Sensors to the Business Value
Khan, A.; Pohl, M.; Köppen, V.; Saake, G.; Turowski, K.
An Evaluation of Variability Mechanisms to Manage Cloud Services
Hintsch, Johannes; Khan, A.; Siegling, André; Turowski, K.
Application Software in Cloud-Ready Data Centers: A Survey
Khan, A.; Hintsch, Johannes; Turowski, K.; Saake, G.
Variability Management in Infrastructure as a Service: Scenarios in Cloud Deployment Models